Beauty Corner: Tatcha

April 25, 2022   /   Q the Stylist
Beauty Corner: Tatcha
Eyes being the window to the soul and all, it’s a real catch-22 that a lack of sleep, screen-time, stress, emotions, and allergies all leave their dreaded marks. Realizing (see what I did there) that video calls are going nowhere fast – our eyes will remain the focal point so I’m sharing another stellar eye cream and a few other standouts from Tatcha – a clean skincare line created...
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Beauty Corner: Patyka

August 12, 2021   /   Q the Stylist
Beauty Corner: Patyka
As you may know, I have highly sensitive skin and after a dermatitis issue last year, I’ve been more and more interested in natural, gentle, certified-organic products. So, when I discovered a new organic skincare line at Bloomingdale’s recently, I had to share.  Patyka, meaning apothecary in Hungarian, is a Parisian organic cosmetics company whose origins date back to 1922 when it was created...
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