Beauty Corner: Biologique Recherché

November 9, 2023   /   Q the Stylist
Beauty Corner: Biologique Recherché
When I first arrived in the Big Apple – the famous among some circles, esthetician Joanna Vargas invited me for a facial.  I was completely floored and felt extremely fancy and very special going to her Madison Avenue spa.  Vargas is known for treating Julianna Moore, Sofia Coppala, Jake Gyllenhaal, and other frequents of the red carpet.  The facial was wonderful; I highly recommend her...
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Beauty Corner: Nette Fragrances

July 10, 2023   /   Q the Stylist
Beauty Corner: Nette Fragrances
Fragrance Stinks!  But Doesn’t Have To. As you may know, the beauty industry is largely unregulated and can make you pretty… sick if you are not careful.  The Not So Pretty documentary will blow your hair back.  The industry’s biggest flaws are chemical-laden products, inadequate ingredient labels, and concealed substances.  While there has been a big push in the last decade for “clean...
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Beauty Corner: Tatcha

April 25, 2022   /   Q the Stylist
Beauty Corner: Tatcha
Eyes being the window to the soul and all, it’s a real catch-22 that a lack of sleep, screen-time, stress, emotions, and allergies all leave their dreaded marks. Realizing (see what I did there) that video calls are going nowhere fast – our eyes will remain the focal point so I’m sharing another stellar eye cream and a few other standouts from Tatcha – a clean skincare line created...
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