Beauty Corner: Renée the Magician

February 20, 2017   /   Q the Stylist
Beauty Corner: Renée the Magician
I’d like to welcome the newest addition to my skincare family. Renée Rouleau is an esthetician with 25 years of experience specializing in all natural based products and a cult following. I discovered the brand via their Anti Cyst Treatment, a topical serum that treats those painful bumps deep in the skin and gets rid of them like magic. Aside from Renée’s spot eraser, her platform...
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The Next Trend in Denim Gives You a Leg up on Spring

January 7, 2013   /   Q the Stylist
The Next Trend in Denim Gives You a Leg up on Spring

With a new year, many people are motivated to feel and look better. This usually requires work, but there is an innovative technology gaining attention in the fashion world that can make part of your body look smoother with no effort. Several companies are stating they can help you achieve healthy looking legs with aloe vera infused […]

With a new year, many people are motivated to feel and look better. This usually requires work, but there is an innovative technology gaining attention in the fashion world that can make part of your body look smoother with no effort. Several companies are stating they can help you achieve healthy looking legs with aloe vera infused in their denim. Along with aloe, Mohicano Jeans (Chiliean denim...
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