Sandal Round Up!!

May 18, 2012   /   Q the Stylist
Sandal Round Up!!

This year is flying by, can you believe that Summer is almost here?!  With a new season comes the urge to clean out closets and update your look.  Footwear is always a key player to your look, but with Spring and Summer’s shorter hems and bare legs, your feet (and shoes!) are on major display. […]

This year is flying by, can you believe that Summer is almost here?!  With a new season comes the urge to clean out closets and update your look.  Footwear is always a key player to your look, but with Spring and Summer’s shorter hems and bare legs, your feet (and shoes!) are on major display.   And with all the great sandals out there, it’s hard to remember what you actually...
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