NYC Makeup & Hair Angel

July 5, 2016   /   Q the Stylist
NYC Makeup & Hair Angel
I’m pretty good with skincare and makeup, but doing my hair is where I fall flat. No pun intended. Everytime I do my hair, I think about how nice it would be if a little angel would to tell me what to do next and hold the curling iron at the right angle. Enter Kirti Tewani. She won’t live in your bathroom, but she will help you unfuss your beauty routine and teach you to do your...
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Get Into the Gloss

July 4, 2016   /   Q the Stylist
Get Into the Gloss
As a bit of a skincare junkie, I just love lotions and potions. And if Q the Stylist was a beauty line – Glossier might be the one I would be. They apply my philosophy of a wardrobe built around your real-busy-full-amazing life to skincare and makeup. Their motto is “Beauty in real life.” Simple products for simple gals that pair you back to the essentials while giving you tons...
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